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积极完成论文、研究项目、申请或个人写作项目? 如果你迷路或卡住了,写作中心为学生提供一对一的免费辅导. At the Writing Center, we:

  • Walk you through the mechanics of writing
  • 提供语法、标点和用法方面的培训
  • Offer feedback on your work
  • Help you understand errors on graded papers

You do not need a draft to get help. 无论你在写作的哪个阶段,我们都会帮助你. 

我们的一些服务也向教职员工和其他社区成员开放. 查看我们获取帮助的方法一节,了解可用帮助的详细信息.

Ways to Get Help


  • Walk-in Writing Center

    Hours/Dates: Monday and Tuesday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Hours are in place from Sept. 3-Dec. 14. Closed for Thanksgiving from 4 p.m. Nov. 27 through 9 a.m. Dec. 2.

    Location: Library 136

    Open to: AACC students, faculty, staff, family members, 高中生和其他社区成员

    Get help with: 所有科目的AACC写作和研究任务; personal statements for admission, transfer or scholarships; cover letters and resumes; and personal writing projects

    Is an appointment required? No

    How to access: 带着你的草稿的两份硬拷贝(图书馆提供打印服务)来136图书馆,或者用你自己的笔记本电脑带着你的草稿的电子版.

  • Virtual Writing Center

    Hours/Dates: 每周七天开放,预约时间由上午七时至下午七时.m. to 10 p.m. Hours are in place from Aug. 26-Dec. 14. Open during college holidays.

    Location: Online via Zoom.

    Open to: Current AACC students working on coursework

    Get help with: 所有科目的AACC写作和研究任务 

    Is an appointment required? Yes

    How to access: In Canvas,选择“学生资源”,然后注册虚拟写作中心. Enroll in the course, then go to the course. Select VWC Resources. 完成定向模块和准备调查,以访问预订应用程序, 你可以通过它预约写作导师或研究馆员.

  • Zoom on Demand

    Hours/Dates: Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-noon Hours are in place from Sept. 3-Dec. 14. Closed for Thanksgiving from 4 p.m. Nov. 27 through 9 a.m. Dec. 2.

    Location: Online via Zoom.

    Open to: AACC students, faculty, staff, family members, 高中生和其他社区成员

    Get help with: 所有科目的AACC写作和研究任务; personal statements for admission, transfer or scholarships; cover letters and resumes; and personal writing projects

    Is an appointment required? No

    How to access: Fill out our form 当你准备好请求帮助时(确保在开放时间内这样做). Then monitor the email address you provided. A tutor will email you a Zoom link.

How We Help You

在写作中心,我们希望你提交给我们的作业能得到更高的分数. More importantly, 我们希望你能提高你的写作水平,学习一些概念,这将有助于你在下次作业中获得更高的分数. 写作中心对每个学生来说都是一个有益的资源. 了解更多最全菠菜网的导师如何帮助你.

What Tutors Will Do

  • 阅读你的一些作品,找出在统一性、连贯性、语法、标点和机制方面的问题.\
  • Teach you how to repair errors
  • 指导你完成论文陈述的过程
  • 分享你自己可以使用的校对策略
  • 帮助你评估你是否正确地记录了你的研究型论文(APA或MLA风格)
  • 对任务的一致性、资源的道德使用和生成人工智能的使用提出问题

What Tutors Will Not Do

  • Proofread or edit your paper for you
  • Make any marks or corrections on your paper
  • Approve, grade or evaluate your work
  • 证明你的论文没有抄袭或生成人工智能


写作中心很乐意为入学申请提供转学论文和其他个人陈述, scholarships, awards and contests. Members of the public, as well as students enrolled at AACC, 是否欢迎使用我们的按需放大和上门服务. 通过观看这个视频,开始写一篇有效的转学论文或个人陈述 instructional video.

When to Come

随你的便,但至少要在作业截止日期前整整一天. 这给了你时间去做建议的修改. 请务必先查询一下我们的服务时间. 

What to Bring


  • Your assignment sheet
  • 打印的双倍行距的论文草稿(如果你正处于写作阶段)
  • 修改草稿用的钢笔或铅笔
  • Specific questions
  • Your seven-digit student ID
  • Your instructor's name
  • Your course number

What to Expect

  • A 30-minute individual session with a tutor. 他们会关注你认为需要帮助的领域. This may include:
    • Thesis/topic sentences
    • Style
    • Organization
    • Grammar/punctuation
    • Documentation.
  • 导师会和你一起审阅一些论文.
  • 如果需要的话,可以安排在线的技能发展跟踪活动.


Frequently Asked Questions

有关AACC写作中心的其他帮助(虚拟或其他),请参阅我们的 Frequently Asked Questions.

Additional Resources

Online Writing Resources

Skill Development

The Grammar Bytes 网站提供互动练习、讲义、视频和技巧.

Our Mission

我们努力为学生提供一个温馨的环境,为你提供提高写作技能的机会, 在以后的写作作业中提出问题并提高你的分数. 

AACC's Writing Centers will:

  • 为您提供多种形式的个性化一对一辅导.
  • 教授概念而不是编辑文章,这样你可以获得可转移的技能,而不仅仅是在一篇特定的论文上获得更高的分数.
  • Provide assistance to current, former, and prospective students; faculty and staff; and our community at large.
  • 协助完成大学课程的书面作业, skill development, resumés, cover letters, 申请入学或奖学金的论文和个人写作.
  • 协助所有学科,包括学分和非学分课程.
  • Promote engagement, 通过与学生建立关系并作为其他服务的桥梁来保持和完成.


We're here to help.

The Writing Center

Jessica Rabin, Ph.D.

Send Email

In-Person Walk-In Assistance

LBRY 136

Monday and Tuesday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Wednesday and Thursday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Hours are in place from Sept. 3-Dec. 14. Closed for Thanksgiving from 4 p.m. Nov. 27 through 9 a.m. Dec. 2.

Zoom on Demand

Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday: 8 a.m.-noon

Hours are in place from Sept. 3-Dec. 14. Closed for Thanksgiving from 4 p.m. Nov. 27 through 9 a.m. Dec. 2.

Virtual Writing Center

每周七天开放,预约时间由上午七时至下午七时.m. to 10 p.m.

Hours are in place from Aug. 26-Dec. 14. Open during college holidays.