
I. 目的

A. Anne Arundel 社区 College’s commitment to its workforce requires performance evaluations, 正在进行的计划, and professional development for its staff and administrators.

B. 本《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》(“程序”)规定了通过每隔一段时间进行的指导对话来审查工作人员绩效的流程.

II. 适用性

A. 本程序适用于专业和支助人员组织(“PSSO”)和行政人员组织(“ASO”)的所有成员。, 包括兼职和全职员工, 与福利员工签订合同.

B. 本程序不适用于教员, 临时员工, 或者没有资格享受福利的合同工.

3. 定义

A.  All capitalized terms in these Procedures have the following meanings:

1. 财政年度是指7月1日至6月30日.

2. Business Day is any day which is not a Saturday or Sunday or day that the College is closed, 比如假期, 春假, 寒假, 或其他日子,学院宣布关闭.

3. 指导对话是指员工与主管之间就员工绩效进行的讨论, 专业发展, 和学习, 和经济增长.

4. 指导谈话工作表是指经EDHR批准的文件,用于指导与员工的指导谈话,主管用于记录指导谈话.

5. EDHR的意思是人力资源执行总监.

6. Employee is the member of PSSO or ASO who is subject to performance evaluations under these Procedures.

7. 员工意见表是指EDHR批准的文件,员工可以使用该文件对指导对话做出回应.

8. HR的意思是人力资源办公室.

9. 职位描述是指由人力资源部门维护的一份文件,清楚地说明了学院特定职位的工作职责和责任, 包括工作的基本职能.

10. 专业发展 means attending internal or external conferences, 事件, 在线研讨会, 培训, 亲和力组, or other activities related to advancement of the Employee’s knowledge, 技能, abilities related to the College mission and values or job performance.

11. Supervisor means the manager to whom the Employee directly reports.

12. Second Level Supervisor means the Employee to which the Supervisor reports.

IV. 教练的对话

A. 正在进行的教练对话的目的:

1. 审核员工的工作描述;

2. 支持员工的成功和自我提升;

3. 通过反思来鼓励成长的心态, 规划, 解决问题, and honest and constructive feedback; and

4. To guide and facilitate the Employee’s professional development, 与观察到的优势一致, 成长和持续改进的机会, 在学院的专业发展, 以及学院的价值观, 使命及策略目标.

B. 每个主管有责任通过每个财政年度两(2)次辅导对话对其监督的每位员工的绩效进行评估,并将评估的情况告知二级主管和人力资源部门.

1. 教练对话必须每半年举行一次,一次在7月1日至12月31日之间,一次在1月1日至6月30日之间.

2. The Supervisor has flexibility to choose the date of the Coaching Conversation with the Employee, so long as the Coaching Conversation is completed once during each of the semi-annual time periods.

3. 每次辅导谈话将涵盖自上次与员工进行辅导谈话之日起员工的表现.

C. 如果主管指派员工代表员工监管链之外的另一主管执行工作, 主管可与另一主管协商,以获得对员工表现的反馈,以便在辅导谈话中提供额外的反馈,并将其纳入辅导谈话工作表.

D. 参加教练谈话

1. The Supervisor may invite the Second Level Supervisor or an employee from HR to attend a Coaching Conversation, 由监理人酌情决定, and will provide advance notice to the Employee if the Second Level Supervisor and/or an HR employee will attend.

2. If, 经监理人批准, the Employee has performed duties for another department(s) or division(s) since the last Coaching Conversation, 主管将与员工已履行职责的其他部门或部门的经理协商,以便主管可以在指导谈话中提供有关其他职责的反馈.  另外, 主管可以邀请其他部门或部门的经理参加辅导对话, 并提前通知员工. 

E. 教练会话练习册

1. The Supervisor will provide a written summary of each Coaching Conversation on the 教练会话练习册.

2. For Employees who have supervisory or managerial responsibilities, 主管也可以在“优势和欣赏”部分或“需要改进的地方”的教练对话工作表中包括对领导和经理有效性的反馈。.

3. 在教练谈话中, 主管将与员工一起审查员工的工作描述,以确保工作职责和职责的准确性,并在指导对话工作表中选择不更改或建议更改的选项.  如果建议进行更改, the Supervisor must follow the Section below entitled Updates to Job Description.

4. 在教练谈话中, the Supervisor will ask for the Employee’s feedback and takeaways, which the Supervisor will record on the 教练会话练习册.

5. A Supervisor may include goals for the Employee on the 教练会话练习册.

6. 在每次辅导谈话结束时, 以作规划用途, the Supervisor will schedule the next Coaching Conversation.

a. The College recommends that the next Coaching Conversation be scheduled within the next six (6) months.

b. 然而, 由于操作需要, 主管可以在下一个半年的时间段内的任何时间灵活安排下一次辅导对话, so long as it is completed and submitted by the end of the semi-annual time period. 

7. Within two (2) Business Days of the Coaching Conversation, the Supervisor will provide a copy of the 教练会话练习册 to the Employee and will complete.

8. 签署教练对话工作表

a. Within ten (10) Business Days of the date the 教练会话练习册 is final, the Employee must sign the 教练会话练习册, 电子, to acknowledge that the Employee has received and read the 教练会话练习册.

b. 签署教练对话工作表 does not indicate that the Employee agrees with the feedback received.

c. 员工未签署指导对话工作表不会影响指导对话的有效性.

d. Within five (5) Business Days of the Employee signing the 教练会话练习册, 主管将向员工提供一份指导对话工作表,并将最终副本发送至coachingconversations@gaknavi.com

e. 人力资源部将跟踪和监督每个主管完成并将辅导对话发送到coachingconversations@gaknavi.com 

 F. 员工意见表格

1. 在主管向员工提交培训对话工作表后的十(10)个工作日内, 员工可以通过电子邮件向主管和人力资源部门(humanresources@aacc)提交员工评论表,对辅导对话工作表进行书面回复.edu. 

2. Within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of a written response from the Employee, 监事可以, 由监理人自行决定, 根据员工的意见对指导对话工作表进行修改,并向员工提供一份修改后的指导对话工作表,并将副本发送给人力资源部coachingconversations@gaknavi.com.

3. 在这十天过去之后, 教练对话工作表与修订, 如果有任何, 将是最终的.

4. 虽然有机会发表评论, there is no right to appeal or grieve the content of the 教练会话练习册.

V. 职位描述的更新

A. 如果主管或员工认为职位描述中的任何工作职责或职责需要添加, 删除, 或修改, the Supervisor will work with the Employee to draft the recommended changes.

B. Within ten (10) Business Days of the Coaching Conversation, the Supervisor must submit a draft of the proposed Job Description to the Second Level Supervisor for approval.

C. 一旦获得批准, the Supervisor or Second Level Supervisor must submit the proposed Job Description to HR via email.

1. 人力资源部将审核职位描述并批准, 拒绝, 或对拟议的职位描述提出修改建议. 

2. If HR 拒绝s or suggests modifications to the proposed Job Description, 人力资源部将与主管讨论职位描述.

3. 人力资源部将最终确定职位描述, the Supervisor and Second Level Supervisor will sign the Job Description and return it to HR, and HR will notify the Employee and Supervisor of the final version and place it in the Employee’s personnel file.

4. If there is a dispute regarding the content of the Job Description, HR will have the final authority to determine the content of the Job Description.

5. The content of the Job Description is not grievable or subject to appeal.

D. 如果员工认为对工作描述的修改建议需要重新分类评估, the Employee will discuss whether a reclassification evaluation should be conducted with the Supervisor. 

E. If the Supervisor agrees that a reclassification evaluation should be conducted, 主管将要求重新分类评估,并向人力资源部门提交拟议的职位描述, and HR will conduct a reclassification evaluation in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures.

VI. 记录

A. 完成的教练会话工作表, 包括任何修订, 及员工意见表格, 如果有任何, will become part of the Employee’s personnel file and will be maintained confidentially by HR.

B. 应主管或人力资源办公室的要求,员工将有权访问完成的指导对话和员工评论表.

C. Any changes to the Forms described in these Procedures must be approved by the EDHR.

7. 新员工

A. 主管必须在员工入职之日起三(3)个月内对新员工进行首次指导对话.

B. 主管必须在新员工的六(6)个月试用期结束前,为新员工提供第二次辅导对话.

C. 之后, the Supervisor will provide 教练的对话 during the semi-annual time periods set forth above.

程序名称: 员工和管理员绩效评估程序

政策类别: 人力资源

政策的所有者: 学习资源管理副总裁

策略管理员: 人力资源执行董事

联系信息: Suzanne Boyer; 410-777-2045; slboyer1@gaknavi.com                               

批准日期: 2023年7月31日

有效日期: 8月. 1, 2022

历史: 8月8日通过的暂行程序. 2, 2022

适用于: All members of the College’s Professional and Support Staff Organization and Administrative Staff Organization

相关政策: N/A

相关程序: N/A


相关法律: N/A